I thought I'd tried this combination...No "on_cc130" triggering -- but my controller sends a PA=127, NoteOn, PA=0, NoteOff. I'd be interested to hear if you got the on_cc130 triggering of the mute group to happen, still.Code:
<group>group=1 off_by=2lopolyaft=0 hipolyaft=0<region> key=1 sample=name1<region> key=2 sample=name2<group>group=2sample=*silencelopolyaft=1 hipolyaft=127<region> key=1<region> key=2<region> key=3
Though I'm not sure the lopolyaft=0 hipolyaft=0 is needed.
And, of course, in real life, it's much more complicated than my example and... it works for some triggers and not for others despite the MIDI messages being the same (different note number, of course) and the regions being "the same" to the best of my knowledge... Debugging is very hard (especially with undocumented features...).
Yes, I think I've got PolyAft worked for e-drums cymbals choke. I published few kits here featured PA choking, https://github.com/sfzinstruments/Wilki ... NakedDrums
Iirc, it worked just fine for choking with *silence region. Only when using cymbal tail samples have unpleasant issue because when you just grab the cymbal pad without hitting it first, the tail sample will also triggered and sounded.
The code is like this :
https://github.com/sfzinstruments/Wilki ... olyaft.txt
Statistics: Posted by kinwie — Mon Jun 03, 2024 4:46 am